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Ascending Leadership and Sales Intelligence


We are facing an epidemic of poor leadership in the workforce. Many leaders do not understand the difference between leading, managing and coaching nor have they ever had any formal training let alone ongoing training on or more of these skills as a supervisor. There is a reason elite athletes, actors and musicians are elite. They fine tune their skills, they practice, they work with a coach and they never stop learning. 


Whether you are a business owner, sales leader, real estate broker, real estate team, individual contributor on a sales team or any organization seeking to increase sales, PERFORMANCE NORTH will help you achieve new heights. Learn more about how our customized solutions will take your sales team revenue to the next level.



The missing component to improving and sustaining leadership and sales performance is the lack of understanding of how one's habitual thinking on a scientific level gets in the way of them being able to perform at their best.
Not anymore.
PERFORMANCE NORTH partners with organizations to help them rapidly elevate and sustain revenue objectives through a new way of thinking - Cognitive Self-Leadership. Specifically, we specialize in executive/senior leadership development, sales leadership/management development and cognitive sales training/coaching programs to ensure new performance heights. 
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